Opatus AB provides

– for objective assessment of attention, e.g. in ADHD assessments!
We provide a complementary neuropsychiatric tool for simultaneous measurements of Attention, Impulsivity and Activity.
Opatus CPTA increases diagnosis precision and is easy to use, quick, cost effective and accessible. Our users are psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors in public or private child, adolescent and adult psychiatry, used for both attention assessment and follow-up dose titration. The tool is also used by researchers.

Two of the many faces of ADHD (illustration images only)

Opatus CPTA monitors how often presented targets are not responded on.

Opatus CPTA monitors how often responses are registered when no targets are present, or multiple responses to one symbol.

Opatus CPTA records how you have moved the mobile around in the 3D space during the test.


Dedicated test room not required. Mobile concept for tests outside clinic, e.g. schools

Diagnostic precision
CPT augmented with activity measures may improve precision in assessment and treatment evaluation

Ease of use
Simple test administration. Easy to explain. Try it today!
Opatus AB is a Swedish medtech company that improves the quality of life for people with attention difficulties through an improved, smartphone-based diagnostic support and treatment follow-up method.
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Opatus CPTA is based on well-founded science and principles. A Continuous Performance Test, CPT, is presented on the mobile unit. Various symbols are flashed on to the screen and the task is to respond (by tapping the screen) to certain symbols (targets), and to not respond to other symbols (non-targets), as quick and accurate as possible. Although a simple task, its limited amusement factor makes it difficult for some to keep up the attention causing erratic responses to be more frequent.
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